一堆好萊塢電影停拍和溫斯坦入獄以及居家隔離該看什麼片 | 電影趴cast 002
下載此集(Download this episode) podcast 中提到的新聞內容 第一則: Jurassic World: Dominion is temporarily shutting down production due to the global pandemic stemming from the coronavirus . The third film in the Jurassic World franchise has been filming since February, but now it along with other Universal Pictures projects have announced they are halting production.This is by no means the first impact the coronavirus has had on the entertainment industry, as several upcoming movies have delayed their releases while other films currently in production have suspended temporarily. In fact, the only facet of the entertainment industry looking to benefit from quarantines and widespread social distancing are streaming services. Disney+, for example, is acting quick by releasing Frozen 2 three months early , looking to capitalize on children now stuck at home amid school closures. Star Wars:...